terça-feira, 9 de setembro de 2014


At an offline vacation, I had little time available and only Ole's hint made ​​me think of "Nazca" and shortly afterwards appeared the dune. Luckly (I'm sure) nobody had the time to look near Nazca, cause it was surprisingly easy!

Now it's time to think about water:

"virtus in media stat"

===== Update =====
I don't know if everyone's on vacation or it's a difficult one ... so, here's 2 pictures, one zoomed in and another zoomed out!

Your goal is to find out the exact location and the (hidro)geology of this place and, if you are the first, you can have the honor of presenting the next WoGE.
No Schott's Rule!
Rules, tips and previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on his blog and a KML file is available with all WoGEs.

4 comentários:

  1. Oops, I "forgot" to delete something in the update ... ;)

  2. 44° 2′ 28″ N, 110° 10′ 3″ W
    Parting of the Waters, Two Ocean Pass, Teton wilderness, Wyoming USA.

    "North Two Ocean Creek flows down from its drainage on the side of Two Ocean Plateau and divides its waters more-or-less equally between its two distributaries, Pacific Creek and Atlantic Creek. "

    1. That's it, Ole!
      I found amazing that "In the marshy area of Two Ocean Pass adjacent to Parting of the Waters, water actually covers the Continental Divide such that a fish could swim from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean drainages." - what a fantastic topography!

  3. WoGE #456 is up: http://overburdenblog.blogspot.no/2014/09/luis-woge-455-difficult-at-first-until.html
